Interest Groups

Afternoon Literature

Afternoon Lit meets the third Monday at 1:30 at members’ homes. This year the hostess
is also the presenter, reviewing a book of her choice. Light refreshments are served. Call
Judy Thompson if you have questions.

November 18 Judy Chaney
There will not be a December meeting.
January 20 Meet for lunch and share a book, TBD
February 17 Georgi Kauffman
March 17 Judy Chaney & Carole Myers
May 19 Vivian Michael


Evening Literature

Evening Lit meets on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 at members’ homes.






Nov. 26 Judy Chaney Empires of Light Jill Jonnes Judy Chaney
No meeting in December
Jan. 28 Restaurant TBD Share a book and plan for the remainder of the year


Second Friday Lunch Group

Please let Sharon Chirgott know if you are interested in attending.

Mark your calendars for future lunch dates:

  • December 13, Branded Chophouse, 7704 Old National Pike, Boonsboro
  • January 10, Jenny’s Restaurant, 808 Noland Drive, Hagerstown
  • February 14, The Grill at Runways, 18421 Henson Blvd., Hagerstown
  • March 14, Panagiota’s Taste of Greece, 115 E. German St., Shepherdstown
  • April 11, The Sycamores at Stonebridge, 1959 Golf Course Road, Martinsburg

Ideas for future lunch sites always welcomed.


Party Bridge   


The group has suspended meeting until further notice.